Published in The Quadrant November, 1997 SIR: During the Khruschev liberalisation years of the early sixties, I was working in Australia’s Moscow embassy. In those days it was not hard to meet Russians critical of the regime. But on one thing they were all agreed. This was the correctness of
MorePublished in The Australian Rationalist Vol 44, June 1997 GREGORY CLARK is a former Australian diplomat who was professor of economic and comparative culture at Tokyo’s Sophia University. He is currently president of Tama University, a small specialist university near Tokyo. While considering the topic of this conference I came
MoreNation Review March 3-9, 1977 It is no accident we get to see Australian papers fairly rarely up here in Japan, so you can imagine my surprise on opening a travel worn back number of Nation Review and finding friend Mungo delivering a swift karate chop in my direction for