Russia and Ukraine Vladimir Putin rarely uses English in his speeches. So if in his speech to the recent BRICS meeting in Kazan he insisted the reason for Russia’s 2022 attack on Ukraine was that he was ‘duped’ (he pronounced it ‘dooped’) by Germany and France in the 2014-5 Minsk
MoreWhat an Aborigine Lady can teach us, Remember the fuss about the ‘stolen generation’ – aborigine children being taken away from their mothers to be raised in Australian families? Conventional thinking at the time said this was a denial of the child’s aborigine culture, not to mention the feelings of
MoreChina-US recognition The key clause in the Jan 1, 1979, joint communique for the establishment of US-China relations said: The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. The US at the time claimed that
MoreNo one seems to have noticed the fatal Quad flaw: India weeks ago refused passage of Japanese aircraft carrying aid to Ukraine. India-Russia attachment is very strong. BTW. Russia is finally doing what it should have done from the start – attack into the Russian speaking areas of the Donbas –