BETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. Bad Education in a Top-Ranked University 1. Stimulus Lacking2. But One Very Satisfying Course3. The Brave French Student4. The Derelict American Student5. Living with Legalism6. Tama University – An Attractive Offer By 1996 my relationship with the
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. Seeking System Improvements 1. Tama University2. Motivation in the Classroom?3. Provisional Entry (Zantei Nyugaku)4. Other Improvements.5. Merits of the Zemi (Seminar) System6. The Successful Graduate School7. Trying to Repair English Teaching8. Winding Down In 1997 I am
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. An IDE (Institute of Developing Economies) Offer2. The Elite Japanese University Problem3. The Amateur Columnist and the Yugoslavia Problem4. The Kiwi Farm My six years as president at Tama had started to run out. I began
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. Learning the Hard Way 1. More Shangrila2. The Land Boom is Coming3. I Will Complain4. The Lockwood House5.The ‘Freddy’ Factor6. Becoming a Builder7. IWNC in trouble 8. Changing Directions9. More Problems10. Rural versus Urban Japan11.The Bankruptcy Factor12. Financial
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. The Incredible Invitation 1. The Russian Ambassador to Japan2. The Russian Embassy, Tokyo3. An Incredible Russian Invitation 4. Into Moscow5. Into Crimea6. Back to Japan I long had a good connection with Alexander Panov, former Soviet and then
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA;BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES Opening an all-English University, in Japan 1. The Initial Request – Vice-President2. Nakajima Mineo3. Akita International University4. Problems and Praises5. Another Career Change?6. The Ark Hills Club With the children graduated and the lecture circuit out of
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. A Book on Education Reform2. Akita International University3. Trying to Improve English Language Teaching4. Teaching Current Affairs5. Japanese for Foreign Students6. Trying Improve Business Japanese Reading Ability7. One Small Satisfaction When I finished at Tama I felt I
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. The Territorial Disputes 1. The Kuriles (Northern Territories) Dispute2. Shikotan and the Habomais [Map of the disputed islands (CartoGIS, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University)] 3. The Northern Territories4. Break the Deadlock? My Suggestion. 5.
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. Bizarre Punishments: How Tokyo Punished People working for (a) the Liberation of North Korea, and (b) Improved Relations with Russia 1. The Abductee Affair…Tahara Soichiro…Ubakata Yukio…Self 2. The Group of Four Affair…Suzuki Muneo…Sato Masaru…Togo Kazuhiko…Alexander Panov Background
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES Problems of War Guilt, and Territorial Claims War Guilt 1. Atrocities2. War Responsibility3. Blaming the Guilty If Russia was a sensitive lecture topic, China was even more so. Even in talks to progressive Japanese one sensed an
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. Political People2. Prime Ministers – Miyazawa, Hosokawa, Obuchi, Mori, 3. The Koizumi Disaster A historian friend once told me how important it was that people like myself who have lived through what he called ‘slabs of history’
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. Premonitions2. The Warning3. The Abductee Issue With time I began to feel my lecture audiences were not reacting quite as sympathetically as before. Maybe it was partly my fault; Japan’s foolish economic, foreign and education policies
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGE 1. Finding the Abductees, 1970s-80s2. NK-Japan Relations Changed3. More Abductees?4. The Megumi Affair5. Megumi and the The Rightwing-Sponsored Family Groups6. The Pyongyang Declaration Dies7. Megumi Myth Exposed8. Imposed Silence9. The Myth Continues10. No Honest Negotiators11. The Hardliners Take Over
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES. How Tokyo Punished People for Revealing Abductee Facts BackgroundIn 2001 North Korea had admitted to have abducted 13 Japanese (some say 17, Abe Shinzo said more than 800) during its self-admitted period of apparatchick craziness in the
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. The House in Amatsu2. A Disaster Occurs3. Leukemia4. Tribal Exclusion5. A Failed Operation6. All is not Doom In a long career I have been fortunate to meet many wonderful women. Some have cared for me, or helped
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES Discovering a New World – Latin America 1. Nakadaki Development Sold2. Enter Peru3. Latin America: Beauty amid Poverty At age 70, blackballed in Japan over the phoney North Korea abductee issue, and with no more Japanese
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES 1. The Visa Problem2. Damsel in Distress3. The Immigration Reform Committee4. Asylum Seekers5. Worker Immigration Problem6. Visa Overstayers7. The Ten Year Wait8. Rescue Carolina9. Discovering Peru 1. The Visa Problem Like most foreign workers in Japan in those days, the
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. The NBR Discussion Site2. Discussing the Megumi affair3. Enter the Viper: Komori Yoshihisa4. Sankei Shimbun5. The Exclusion Begins6. The Mitsui Connection7. The Bone Pointed8. Skin-deep Regret My Japan career had begun through trying to explain the
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES A Story of Media Stupidity and Mendacity 1. The Tankman photo2. The Hanging Corpse Photo3. Atrocities Photos4. Political Background to the Mayhem5. The Historical Background6. The Reluctant Repression7. Inside the Massacre ‘Myth’8.State Department Records9. All the News the is Fit to
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, LATIN AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FIVE CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES It was a 65 year long career spanning five continents and five languages. But it focussed largely on China, Russia and Japan. In the wings, so to speak, were experiences as observer to the agonies
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES 1. Sino-Indian Dispute2. Vietnam3. Afghanistan, Iraq4. Ukraine5. Korea (and Vietnam)6. Yugoslavia and Serbia7. NATO Pretexts8. The Vicious Circle9. Anglo-Saxon ‘Values’10.Khrushchev-anti Cold War11.Memory Notes More than sixty years, spent in five continents, gaining fluency in three difficult
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES Fifty is a good round number, though the reality is somewhat longer. I first visited Japan in 1962 on my ‘do it yourself’ tour of Japan after visiting South Korea and before returning to Hong Kong.
MoreBETWEEN FIVE WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, PERU AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FIVE LANGUAGES Japan – Is it Unique? 1. Japanese Honesty. Can it be found Elsewhere?2. The Outsider View3. National Togetherness4. The Empirical Test5. Indonesia, the Philippines6. South Europe,South Asia7. North Europe8. Meanwhile in Japan9. Meanwhile in China10.China: The