Freedom of press critics have complained how the Russian government news program, RT, has been blocked by many Western outlets during the Ukrainian fighting. But in fact the channel has always been freely available through Google as RT online. It remains as interesting, and surprisingly impartial, as ever – mainly
MoreAustralia’s relations with China were always prickly. Now they are slipping into farce. In 2014 both claimed a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.” Now, mistranslations and distortions of Chinese statements, deliberate or otherwise, are allowed constantly to poison relations between two countries. An example of the mistranslation game in action was when Australian
MoreObservers have long seen connections between Japanese political parties and religious groups as dubious if not dangerous TOKYO – Tetsuya Yamagami, the 41-year-old former member of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces who killed Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe last week, said during police interrogation that his motive was Abe’s close relations