Quadrant – October 1996 SIR: Lloyd Peasley (September 1996) points out the costs to Australian consumers from tariff protectionism. But the choice is not between tariff protectionism and no protectionism. In Australia’s case, it has to be between tariff/subsidy protectionism and exchange rate protectionism. The latter has imposed far greater
MoreThe Quadrant – July-August, 1996 So Bill HAYDEN sees a shameful contrast between Australia’s multicultural openness and Japan’s racial exclusivism. I could ask him when Australia will ever have a governor-general, prime minister, or foreign minister who can speak any Asian language, or any other difficult language for that matter,
MorePROTESTS AGAINST INDONESIA OVERLOOK HISTORY, REALITIES One understands why Indonesia’s national-car program has run into criticism from Tokyo and Canberra. Control has been handed over to the son of President Suharto, a man not known for shyness in encouraging relatives to control key areas of the economy. Its partner will
MoreTHE AGE Saturday, July 13, 1996 Australia has paid a high cost forits faith in the benefits of free trade.We could learn from theAsian economies, writes Gregory Clark. THE coalition has sensibly challenged the myth that unlimited immigration from Asia will turn Australia into a multi- cultural paradise. It should