BETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES Chapter 1 – From Australia to Oxford 1. The Australian Connection2. The Santamaria Influence3. Into Oxford4. Into Europe5. A Yugoslavia Connection My birth certificate says I was born May 19, 1936. It also says I was born
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. Back to Australia2. Into Canberra3. Into External Affairs4. A China Connection5. Into Hong Kong When I finished up at Oxford university, future career was far from certain. I had decided I did not want to stay
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES Into China – via Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Japan 1. Suez Canal Lessons2. Journalist Spies3. Chinese Reality4. Learning the Language5. Into Taiwan6. Hospitality, KMT Style7. Gently into Japan The two years in Hong Kong (December 59-February
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES Into Canberra, and some Asian Realities 1. Via North Borneo and Sarawak2. On The China Desk3. The Lee Kwan Yew Election4. China and the Korean War5. How Personalist Biases sway Policy 6. The Sino-Indian Frontier Dispute By the
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES En Route to the USSR, Via the US 1. Posted to Moscow2. Learning the Language3. Across the USA4. Across the Iron Curtain5. Australian Embassy, Moscow Late 1962. I am due to move again The Moscow embassy has
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. The KGB has pounced2. The Drama in the Saferoom3. The Russian Speakers Dilemma It was one of those beautifully warm early Moscow summer weekends when all life and nature seemed at ease with itself and the idea
MoreBETWEEN FOUR WORLDS: CHINA, RUSSIA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA.BETWEEN FOUR CAREERS and FOUR LANGUAGES 1. Footloose in the USSR2. Searching for D.3. D. in Japan, with Husband With Morrison gone and his replacement in place (a nice enough man called Pethybridge), the Embassy settled down to its regular routine of basically